Friday, July 15, 2011

...enemies, foreign and domestic...Does this mean we have enemies that are domestic? Who are they? Make a list of who you might think they are. Don't post it, but keep an eye on those you suspect are domestic enemies, a kind of logbook...

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT and some of those enemies are in very high positions...Have you read Michael Savage's book,THE ENEMY WITHIN?

Have you read LT-COL Ralph Peter's ENDLESS WAR?

Did you know that it has always been the goal of the COMMUNISTS and SOVIET-STYLE SOCIALISTS to undermine our government by elected officials within the government? You must surely realize why some officials turn pale when they recall the days of the McCarthy Hearings, trying to make sure such hearing NEVER NEVER EVER EVER happen again. Ha ha.........I think we are on the same wave-length, old enough and wise enough to see through all of this faux PC and ENVIRONMENTAL BS authored by Executive Order rather than passed through NORMAL legislation.

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